CW3 has been abandoned (it's what, a decade out at this point), and while R2S is still actively in development, it'll be 2 years in November since its last big update ( and the dev has been open about progress stalling due to personal problems in his real life.

Simply put, even with more content in it, MWE loads faster than the other two games.Support - It's also worth noting that MWE is still receiving updates and support from its dev. While you may see reports of people experience major bugs with MWE on the official forums, a bulk of these are from people converting old and buggy mods from the previous game, and won't be experienced by most players. Truthfully that's not saying much, as CW3 is a buggy mess, but MWE runs smoothly and quickly.

Also, given that MWE isn't free, you also have to factor in if you're willing to pay for those things.Starting with the big differences.Stability - A bit of a moot comparison with R2S as it seems rock solid, but MWE is a lot more stable than CW3. And to me, the Music Wars Rebirth/Empire games provide more of the same experience as CW3, only bigger and with much more polish and stability.Truthfully, whether or not you'll enjoy MWE vs CW3/R2S comes down to what it is you get and want from these games and see if MWE provides any of those things. Hey guys,I’m posting this on behalf of Antuan, the developer of the game, who’s been working on this for over a year now.This is a music industry management simulation game, similar in gameplay style to games like Chart Wars, Hollywood Mogul, Total Extreme Wrestling, Gamebiz, and Showtime! Personally, I loved CW3 and couldn't get into R2S.